理学院校庆活动之四---Nikolaus Stolterfoht教授系列讲座
时间:2016-05-20 14:22:40作者:来源:
德国Nikolaus Stolterfoht教授量子力学系列讲座
德国亥姆霍兹柏林能源与材料研究院Nikolaus Stolterfoht教授将于3月31日至4月20日来西安交通大学进行为期三周的讲学活动。系列讲座是原子物理学和量子力学的拓展课程。本课程主要强调动力学描述,如波包的传播,原子-离子态碰撞的时间演化等;另外,将讲述态的相干和测量塌缩。本课程将避免复杂的理论分析,借助图形和计算模拟进行阐明。课程安排如下:
日期 |
时间 |
地点 |
讲座内容 |
3.31 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Principles of free particles: Propagating and standing plane wave, circular waves, wave packets |
4.1 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Stationary bound states: Stationary structures of atomic states, high angular momenta, interferences of states |
4.5 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Time-dependent atomic states: Oscillations and rotations of atoms with animations, linear and circular light emission |
4.11 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Structures of molecules: Arrangement of nuclei, molecular orbitals, electronic binding, hydrogen, nitrogen, water |
4.12 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Measurements in quantum mechanics: Superposition of states, entangled states, state collapse in measurements, collisions |
4.13 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Application of measurements: Decay of an atom, photon and Auger electrons emission, lifetime, Schrödinger’s cat |
4.14 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Ion-atom collisions: Principles of excitation, ionization and capture of electrons, Stückelberg interferences |
4.18 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Specific ion-atom collisions: Fast collisions: emission of electrons, dipole approximation and binary collisions, slow collisions: electron correlation |
4.19 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Ion-molecule collisions: Alignment of target, fast collisions with H2, atomic analogue of two slit emission |
4.20 |
16:00-18:00 |
中2-3222 |
Present status, conclusions, open questions: Comprehension of the course, remaining problems, Discussion with students |