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Transforming Conventional Materials through Rational Design and Controlled Synthesis

时间:2016-06-17 20:45:00作者:来源:

报告题目:Transforming Conventional Materials through Rational Design and Controlled Synthesis



报告人:美国伊利诺伊州大学厄巴纳香槟分校Jianjun Cheng (程建军)教授


I will cover three topics in my presentation to highlight research progress in my group in the past 3-4 years. I will first present the development of charged, helical polypeptides and their applications in gene delivery, bacterial inhibition and cell membrane penetration. We successfully transformed the conventional polypeptides to highly useful materials with exceptional biological membrane activities that can undergo direct membrane pore formation in energy-independent manner. I will also present rational design of helix-to-coil and coil-to-helix transitions of polypeptides and their applications in unpackaging DNA, lowering intracellular toxicity and inhibiting bacterial at extreme pH. For the second topic, I will discuss the transformation of conventional silica nanoparticles to advanced nanomedicines. Specifically, I will present the design and synthesis of size precisely controlled silica nanoconjugates and their applications as drug delivery nanomedicine, and discuss the use of these size controlled silica nanoconjugates in various fundamental studies, such as cellular uptake, biodistribution, tumor tissue penetration and inhibition. I will then cover the third topic in the last part of my presentation and discuss our recent efforts on transforming conventional urea-based polymeric materials to functional polymers. Specifically, I will present the design of hindered urea bonds and the dynamic chemistry associated with these bonds. Using the reversible, dynamic hindered urea bonds, we successfully developed polymers capable of catalyst-free dynamic property change and autonomous repairing at low temperature. I will also briefly discuss the use of polymers containing hindered urea bonds as biomaterials for controlled release and drug delivery applications.


程建军:1993年获天津南开大学化学学士学位,1996年获美国南伊利诺伊大学化学硕士学位,2001年获加州大学圣巴巴拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)材料科学博士学位,师从Timothy Deming教授。他曾作为资深科学家在美国加州理工学院Mark Davis教授创建的公司Insert Therapeutics工作至2004年,随后又在麻省理工学院Robert Langer教授课题组从事博士后研究至2005年,同年就职伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)材料科学与工程系任助理教授,2011年晋升为终身副教授,2015年晋升为该系终身正教授并获得伊利诺伊大学杰出晋升教授奖。程建军教授课题组共发表过文章140余篇,其中包括顶级刊物自然(Nature)、自然通讯(Nature Communications)、美国国家科学学院院刊(Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America)、美国化学会会刊(Journal of American Chemical Society)、先进材料(Advanced Materials)、德国应用化学(Angewandte Chemie International Edition)等30余篇文章。程建军教授拥有27项美国或国际专利,领导的两项发明被用于上市公司的研发纳米药物中,已进入人体二期临床试验,多项科研成果及发明被国际媒体报道,其中关于癌症靶向的纳米药物技术获得福布斯杂志2006年度5大纳米技术突破之一。程建军教授获得的荣誉包括美国前列腺癌症基金会竞争奖、美国国家自然科学基金会青年学者奖、施乐研究成就奖、美国国立卫生研究院院长创新奖、美国工程师荣誉学会杰出工程师奖、威利特教授学者奖、伊利诺伊大学高级研究中心学者奖、伊利诺伊大学创业教授奖,以及五次由学生评判的伊利诺伊大学优秀教学奖。2015年当选美国医学与生物工程学院会士(American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering Fellow (AIMBE Fellow)),同年当选为由美国化学会高分子化学会士(ACS-POLY Fellow)。研究领域包括高分子化学,多肽,纳米材料和纳米药物、药物输送、癌症靶向技术。